Selasa, 02 April 2013


                  I believe everyone has a dream or wishes, so do I. i really sure that many of them would wish for a lot of money, so they could buy anything or do anything without any worry about money it self. But my wish is a bit different.
1) I'd wish you the all the truest peace love and happiness in the world.. 
It's what I wish for myself, so how can I deny it for another. Even if they are a lying scumbag. 

2) That everyday be different and each would hold a new lesson in life.
With them comes a new thing to ponder about, a new thing to learn, and a new beginning of something great. Sometimes the lesson will come up with pain, but I believe that lesson without pain is meaningless / worthless.

3) That each of my friends remembers me, and loves me unconditionally. As I will endeavour to do for them.

Where and what would we be without friends and love? 
Hmm.. just three small wishes if I could have the forth...I wouldn't tell you anyway, but I'd show you!

By: Daniel J.T XIS 1

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